1. Character name
2. Character class
2.1 Character level
3. Link to Armory
4. What spec do you use? Why?
Currently im prot specced. Why? cause it was an accident (sounds wicked but things just went how they went javascript:emoticonp('
5. Are you open to change your spec for raid needs?
Sure i am, but i would preffer to stay prot as i am.
6. Fill the corresponding templates according your raid role:
6.1. Tank: (Health, Defense, Armor, Dodge, Parry, Block, Hit --Mana, Mp5, Spelldamage and Spellhit if Paladin--)
27124hp, 541defense, 23752armor, 19,81%dodge, 16,21%parry, 20,58%block, 213hit, 5704mana, 30mp5, 646spelldamage, 213spellhit.
6.2. Physical DPS (Health, Attack Power, Critical, Hit --Mana and Mp5 if Hunter or Enhancement Shaman--)
6.3. Healer (Health, Mana, Healing, Mp5)
6.4. Magical DPS (Health, Mana, Spelldamage, Spellcrit, Spellhit)
7. Primary professions and skill level
Blacksmithing - 350, Mining - 350.
8. Rare craftables worth of mention
Nothing special
9. Pre-TBC raiding experience
Bwl 4 first bosses, Onyxia.
9.1 TBC raiding experience
All the way up from kara to tk/ssc
9.2 WotLK raiding experience
Naxx normal -10/15 cleared, VoA - done both normal and heroinc.
10. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave?
<Slayers of Outlands> An friendly leveling guild been there for quite some time, <TITANS Recruits> Another leveling guild. <Incendria> Been here a while, its a PVE guild, leaved em cause things went not in the direction as i thought, members went in-active and due some comp issues javascript:emoticonp('
11. Character history: Please list what characters/servers/classes you have played before.
There were a lot some more "legal" then others... javascript:emoticonp('
')not worth to talk about them.
12. Why do you want to join Rosegrove?
Mostly due raiding, and cause its a friendly guild as i seen and remember javascript:emoticonp('
13. Who do you know in Rosegrove?
Evoke, Dalthus and a lot of others which im not sure about if they remember me javascript:emoticonp('
14. We raid from 19/20.00 on weekdays. How many of these raids could you attend?
3 - all of em.