1. Character name
2. Character class
3. What spec do you use? Why?
Resto - I like both tanking and healing, but I've been very unimpressed with bear tanking since 3.0, so resto it is.
4. Primary professions and skill level
Skinning/Herbalism 450/450.
I was going to go LW, but then blizzard announced no crafted epic BoPs and turned me off overnight.
Also fully trained in First Aid of course.
5. Your raiding experience (TBC and WotLK)
Cleared Karazan, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK, Hyjal and BT. Wiped a lot on Kalecgos before calling it a day when 3.nerf came out.
Progression kills on Gruul, FLK, Morogrim, Vashj, Kael, Rage, Anetheron, Kaz'rogal, Azgalor, Archimonde, Supremus, Shade of Akama and Teron Gorefiend.
Pugged Naxx10 a couple of times, mostly unsuccessfully. Killed Anub'rekhan, Razuvious and Gothik.
6. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave?
Sudden Fate - joined at level 50 for company while leveling. I want to raid and Sudden Fate do not have a raid group and don't seem likely to get one.
7. Character history: Please list what characters, and their levels, that you have played before.
Thanikibink - 70 Resto Druid on Lightninghoof-US. Unfortunately you can't transfer characters between regions.
Rothbink - 70 Warlock on Lightninghoof-US.
8. Why do you want to join Rosegrove?
I raid for progression kills and Rosegrove is one of the few guilds that are doing 25-man content but haven't blown through most of it yet.
9. Who do you know in Rosegrove?
I've pugged heroics with a few, but I don't 'know' any.
10. We raid from 19/20.00 on weekdays. How many of these raids could you attend to?
I'm looking for about 6-8 hours per week raiding, so 2 or 3 evenings depending on how long each session is.
27 year old male. Joined WoW with folks from a previous RPG, so followed them to a US server. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake when I got to level 70 and had to found I had to play at silly hours of the morning if I wanted to raid. I did it for about 4 months surprisingly successfully, but when Lich King came out I decided to it was a good time to say my farewells and reroll on an EU server.