1. Character name : Kahso Stormhorn
2. Character class : Warrrior
3. What spec do you use? Why? : Fury, I like the spec, i mean who wouldnt like to rumage around while dual wielding two handers. And fun to play Ofcourse.
4. Primary professions and skill level : Blacksmith (Hammer Smith) 450, And Miner 450.
5. Your raiding experience (TBC and WotLK) : Karazhan, Maggy, Gruuls, Start of TK. ( Was PvPing about all of TBC) Wotlk ive one VoA 10/25. OS 10/25 And Anarchid quarter and two first bosses of military quarter 10 man. (PuGs all of them)
6. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave? : Amaranthine and Thunderwolves disbanded. Sucks really, they were both good guilds.
I was in Sin'Selama for around a year before i left to join other guilds that were more focused on PvP / PvE, to get to experience more of the game content. I joined fallen, as the guild master is a good mate of me, though i were looked as a tank, i wouldnt get to DPS, which sucked in my case, i stuck with it for a while but some quarrels came upp about me just being let in without a application, so i had no respect, and not a say in anything. So i left and joined Bad Company. After a while in Bad Company i figured id been pvping for far to long and wanted to experience more of the PvE content. hence putting in an application here.
7. Character history: THis one, 70 hunter(Horde Genjuros), 70 rogue,(Sunstrider Ally) 62 Druid Here. and 59 Warlock here.
8. Why do you want to join Rosegrove? : MOAR DEEPS. No No.. Because im looking for a friendly community and Some PvE.
9. Who do you know in Rosegrove? : Evoke. Sort of. Cant remember many names of the bat.
10. We raid from 19/20.00 on weekdays. How many of these raids could you attend to? : Weekdays? Sweet. Almost all of them in that case.
Optional1: Im a nice helpfull chap. Turning 18 in not very long. Still Studying. My cats named Luis. Ehm. Yeah. Oh, this is the best smiley ever.