1. Character name Sathira
2. Character class Priest
3. What spec do you use? Why? 14/57/0 ( will be 13/58/0 on 3.1) .... because i like the spec and i got used in healing with it
4. Primary professions and skill level Enchanting 439/460 - Tailoring 444/450
5. Your raiding experience (TBC and WotLK) TBC - None , Wotlk - Naxx 10/25, Os10/25 +1 , malygos 10 and ofc Voa 10/25
6. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave? Stoicism , Berserk calling ( Stoicism was too much for me and Berserk Calling is about to disband)
7. Character history: Please list what characters, and their levels, that you have played before. Sathira-80 priest ( i like the class that's why i played with it 1 year or so) , Dk 80 ( i like because is very OP and u press any button to make 2.3k+ dps )
8. Why do you want to join Rosegrove? Because i want a guild that is Pve and u guys are very progresive
9. Who do you know in Rosegrove? Only ex-Berserk Calling members that entered the guild
10. We raid from 19/20.00 on weekdays. How many of these raids could you attend to? i think..... i usually logout sunday-thursday at 21:30 RT so ..... it's kinda hopeless to attend in weekdays for only 2 hours
Optional1: Something about yourself (Age, sex, hobbies) 16 years old ; Male ^^ ; i like to spend time in making friends and i like to spend time with friends ( wow friends or rl friends)