1. Character name- Blazzer
2. Character class- Paladin
3. What spec do you use? Why? I'm holy becouse i love healing, well i think thats the most fun part about this game healing and keeping people alive :p
4. Primary professions and skill level- I got no proffesions.
5. Your raiding experience (TBC and WotLK) I've been playing since vanilla this is my 3rd paladin. Blazzer is my first horde character my other palas where ally on a usa server, I've done almost every raid.
6. Previous guilds in Sporeggar , why did you leave? Funeral Pyre,Relic. They dint do well at raids.
7. Character history: Please list what characters, and their levels, that you have played before.
8. Why do you want to join Rosegrove? Well, couse i got mate in Rosergrove and i want to be in a active raiding guild.
9. Who do you know in Rosegrove? Aidens
10. We raid from 19/20.00 on weekdays. How many of these raids could you attend to?
Atleast 4/5, ofcourse try attend 100%
10. We raid from 19/20.00 on weekdays. How many of these raids could you attend to?
Probly all couse i got no life.
Optional1: Something about yourself (Age, sex, hobbies)
Age -18
Sex- Male
Hobbies- Drinking vodka <3 and playing wow